Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hot Flashes

This past month I have been learning great compassion for menopausal women; I am having hot flashes and they are INTENSE! I wake up multiple times in the night burning and feverish, drenched in sweat, and throw off the covers, only to find myself freezing cold. Sigh. It is a bit wearisome, not to mention embarrassing when I'm in a meeting and I suddenly turn red and start to perspire! This last week it was Rosa Montgomery's Bible study, and the fiftyish-plus aged women just laughed and said, "Oh, honey, we've all been through that!" It was kind of cute, actually.

My nurse tells me that this is just a result of the chemo; I'm in a menopausal state because the R-CHOP drugs can shut down your ovaries. Thankfully, this will probably be temporary.

I'm meeting with my naturopath next week and will see what she prescribes. I have read that hot flashes can actually deplete your body of nutrients, so I'm looking into nutrient replacement as well as options like phytoestrogens and Chinese herbs.

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