Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Bun Dance: Word Play for the Day


What a feast of mental imagery!

Definitions yielding themselves:

a. a*bun*dance: Medieval merriment, in which buns are an intrinsic part of the festivities. May include games (such as bun eating contests), the playing of the song, “Hot Cross Buns”, or the mass movement of many derrieres.

b. a*bun’dance: Rare. Conjunction for “a bunny dance”, in which bunnies do as bunnies do, yielding a multitude of bunnies.

Oh, such fun! Please do join in. :)


MamaMonk said...

yes, mental imagry. whoa. wow. i will join in, as long as my "buns" can be covered. Alley will join in too, she has recently learned the word "bum" and says it many times a day, while sticking said "bum" out. yikes!

MamaMonk said...

Hi dear friend--
I just gave you a "Thinking Blogger Award." Come on over and check it out! www.mamamonk.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Hello, dear people of KGB. She sent me over her to join the tea party, as it were!

How about this definition:

ab*un-dance: seen on disciplined people who do daily crunches. Their abs are taut and don't dance the Jelly Belly like those of us who participate in too much medieval merriment.